
Belong to something introspective toilet at MoMa New York City USA reflection in mirror

Powder and Whales was concieved in 2013 as a travel journal, intended as a record, a log, a diary of my preparations, hopes, and experiences of an epic year-long sojourn around the world in pursuit of new perspectives amidst mountaintops and coral gardens.

But plans change. Things happen, destiny conspires to bring you down a different path, and it doesn’t look like my year-long excursion is on the cards any time soon.

So for 2014, it looks like Powder and Whales is still going to be a travel journal, but of a different sort. It will log my preparations, hopes, and experiences of my travels through the world of entrepreneurship and self-employment, in search of financial and personal freedom. There will be many days of introspection, lessons learnt, reflections, and possibly some days of deep, dark, depression and despair. But there will also be many days of celebration, achievement, relief, and joy. I hope.

Welcome to Powder and Whales 2.0.


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